Welcome to ModMaids'

Clean for a Cause Program

Helping Heroes

At ModMaids, we believe that heroes come in all shapes and sizes, and we are passionate about giving back to our community. Whether it's a healthcare worker tirelessly serving others, a small business owner dedicated to giving back, a selfless mom who volunteers at school and in the community, a veteran or active military member, or simply someone who brings light into the world, we recognize and appreciate their contributions.

Through our Clean for a Cause Program, we aim to extend a helping hand to those who could use a little extra support. Nominate a deserving individual or family in our community who could benefit from a complimentary cleaning service. Each month, we'll select a recipient from your nominations and provide them with a free cleaning session as our way of saying thank you for their outstanding contributions and making our community a better place.

Join us in honoring the unsung heroes of our community and spreading kindness one clean home at a time. Together, let's make a difference and shine a light on those who make our world brighter.

We Give Back

We are invested in creating a better Tulsa community. That being said, we give a portion of every dollar” to Oklahoma Warriors Honor Flight. We love their mission of sending war veterans to the memorials of the wars they fought in.

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